


System overview

Siskin Workflow and Case Management System

Siskin is a software platform that allows business users to turn any collaborative business process into a task-oriented web application. Siskin is a great fit in situations in which:

  • The business process has multiple participants, some of which may be external to your organisation
  • There is a task-driven business process that comprises a number of discrete steps that are executed in sequence
  • A process that is repeated many times. For example, a process relating to the on-boarding of new employees, the assessment of credit suitability or the evaluation of proposals from suppliers
  • With a process that contains business logic. This could be an escalation or branching based on the value of data supplied by the user
  • A process in which particular steps need to be taken within a specific time-frame, for example, service or support activities in which a service provider is operating under SLA or statutory constraints
  • A process that has touch-points with other IT systems, such as document management or ERP systems

Siskin Designer

  • Visually model new projects using the Siskin Design studio: specify who should do what and by when
  • Define process-specific data fields, roles, activities, tasks and milestones
  • Reusable sub-workflows: make use of a single sub-process across multiple processes
  • Siskin provides the ability to re-define and modify processes in progress as they evolve; a unique feature of Siskin WF over its competitor
  • Out-of-the-box or custom activity types for flexible project definitions

Siskin Front-end

  • Simple web and mobile interfaces for task completion and reporting
  • Powerful reporting framework lets managers stay on top of progress across all project instances
  • Siskin’s fine-grained permission model allows read/write permissions to be defined at an attribute, task & milestone level
  • Integrates with third-party authentication and security systems such as Active Directory or OpenLDAP
  • RESTful API built on the HAL specification exposes data and process meta-data to external applications such as ERP systems or hosted SaaS applications

Power & simplicity

Turn any business process into a task-driven web application


Keep all project data in one place

Collect data and documents from users as projects progress, and keep those data and documents in a single document store for easy search and retrieval


No coding

The Siskin designer allows analysts and project managers to define complex business processes without the requirement to involve software development personnel


Great user experience

A task-driven web UI and email notifications allow users to focus on their own tasks



A responsive mobile user interface and native clients for Android and iOS means users can complete assigned tasks while on the go


Rich reporting suite

Pre-defined and custom reports provide a rich, unified view of project data and progress across all project instances

Complaints Management

An insurance company wants to regularise how it manages complaints received from its customers in order to improve customer service and to be able to demonstrate compliance with legislation overseen by the Financial Ombudsman.
The company uses Siskin to define the steps that should be included in the complaints process, including the definition of data fields that should be captured when the complaint is made, targets in relation to providing the customer with an initial response, escalating the complaint (if required) and ultimately facilitating resolution.

New store roll-out

A restaurant chain has started a major project to roll-out a large number of new stores. For the completion of an individual store requires input from store managers, building services contractors, order entry staff, and project managers, with each group supplying various documents and pieces of information as the project progresses. The management team requires a view on progress across the whole project, including missed milestones and the stage in the process that each of store is at, at a given point in time.
Siskin is used to define the data that should be captured, the roles of each of the participants, the milestones for the project (e.g. “design approved” or “goods shipped”) and the dependencies between the milestones (for example, “building commenced” must happen with 2 weeks of “design approved”). Siskin Mobile helps all participants stay involved and on top of their responsibilities while on-site or on the road.

Supplier onboarding

A pharmaceutical company uses spreadsheets to manage the process of bringing new suppliers into the supply chain for one of their products. The process includes a number of people across several departments and a number of sequential steps related to financial due-diligence, manufacturing and shipping standards compliance and traceability. Before long, out-of-date spreadsheets and documentation introduce confusion
The company uses Siskin to define and publish the on-boarding process, with email notifications used to alert suppliers when information and documents are required, and the Siskin dashboard giving managers an at-a-glance view of process compliance.

Credit application assessment

A provider of corporate finance wishes to shorten the time it takes to process loan applications from its small business clients, without compromising the integrity of the process itself. It also needs to be able to provide an audit trail of each step of the process, including a record of communication and decisions made as required by the office of the financial regulator.